WP Calypso First Impression

WP Calypso is the newest addition to Automattic’s open source projects. It took both the WordPress and the web communities by storm this week — everyone is talking and writing about it now. But what it really is? Does it deserve the attention it gets? I was surprised when I first heard about Calypso on Monday. Even …

React WP theme: Smart vs Dumb components + React Router

In the third installment of our “How to make a React-powered WP theme” tutorial, we create the starting point of our React-powered WordPress theme. I’ll show you what all we need to import in order to have a working application. We’ll also talk about how to properly divide the React components into smart and dumb ones.

React WP theme: structure, Node packages and Webpack

In the second part of our tutorial, we’ll be talking about the theme’s initial folder/file structure, installing required Node packages, configuring Webpack and setting up a Node development server with hot reloading. I’ll show you how to properly bootstrap a Redux-powered WordPress theme. If you want to see how the project will look at the …

Learn React + Flux at Udemy for free + more React goodies

React is everywhere. Everybody is talking about it. Companies are migrating their front-ends to React. Applying for a JavaScript programmer position? Better to know React then! In all seriousness, React is an awesome library for building UIs. If you use Facebook, then you have already seen it in action — the whole chat is written …

React single-page WordPress REST API theme tutorial

Uh-oh, such a buzz-wordy title. I know, I know. But it’s true — I’m going to publish a series of articles on building a simple single-page WordPress theme powered by React, WP REST API, and other bleeding-edge front-end technologies. The tutorial will be focused primarily on the JavaScript things, pushing design, accessibility and flexibility sideways. …

Front-end development with WordPress

Although WordPress is created in PHP, nowadays, a lot of themes and plugins make use of JavaScript to create feature-rich, responsive, client-side sites. Some go as far as to use WordPress only as a store of data, making the whole site a single page (SPA) and everything in JavaScript. The WP REST API project, which …

How to work with WordPress Trac

Undoubtedly, WordPress Core would benefit from a larger number of active developers. The system, especially Trac1, might be, however, too complicated for newcomers to work with. That goes for me too. Do you know what’s the best way to learn something? Write an article about it, of course. That’s what I’m going to do: write …

CSS the right way with Sass preprocessor

Sass is awessome. Since our first date, I’ve been (ab)using her in all the projects. She gives you superhuman abilities, far beyond the reach of what classical CSS has to offer. Sadly, she can’t be found in many WordPress themes and I don’t understand why. Is she not hot enough for the majority of WordPress …