How to work with WordPress Trac

Undoubtedly, WordPress Core would benefit from a larger number of active developers. The system, especially Trac1, might be, however, too complicated for newcomers to work with. That goes for me too. Do you know what’s the best way to learn something? Write an article about it, of course. That’s what I’m going to do: write …

Contributing to WordPress Core — what, why and how

Lately, I’ve been thinking about dedicating a few hours weekly to working on WordPress Core. I have many reasons to do so. Challenging myself and improving my programming and communication skills, while expanding my portfolio are some of them. But what’s that “Core” thing? And even if you know that, why should you care? You …

Custom routing mechanism in WordPress themes (MVC like)

I had a need to implement custom routing system in my WordPress theme. I’m developing a web application, not a typical theme. There is a predefined set of pages in the app and each of them has its own view (template). Ideally, the design and structure (HTML/CSS) of these templates are located in files, not …

Staying at the top of the WordPress game

In the WordPress world, things move and evolve quickly. Tens — sometimes hundreds — of new issues pop up each day. Modifications to WordPress Core happen on daily basis. The community is vibrant, doing something all the time. That’s good. What’s even better is to start following these changes. You could become a better WordPress …


Global function add_filter is an integral part of WordPress core. Together with the function apply_filters, you can extend WordPress core, plugins and themes without touching a single line in them. Thanks to this, updates become straightforward — just copy and replace the old code with the new one. I’ll be explaining sections of WordPress core, …